Category: Staffing

“Alzheimer’s Tsunami”

The Huffington Post reported on Medicaid cuts in Iowa.  “The aging population is fueling what some health experts call an “Alzheimer’s tsunami” for which Iowa, and the rest of the nation, is ill-prepared. Unless a cure is found, an estimated 7.1 million Americans age 65 and older could have Alzheimer’s by 2025, almost a 35 percent increase, according

“A True Menace”

NBC4i reported the guilty plea from Susan Gwynee for 46 different charges related to thefts from elderly residents at assisted living homes.  Gwynne was originally charged with 101 different counts after residents at several nursing homes reported missing items from their homes.  Gwynne pleaded guilty to 17 counts of burglary, 14 counts of theft and 15

“An alarm system doesn’t prohibit falls”

ABC News had an interesting article about the decline in the use of alarms as a means of fall prevention.  The change is part of a nationwide movement to phase out personal alarms and other long-used fall prevention measures in favor of more proactive, preventative care. Without alarms, facilities need staff to better learn residents’

Soliciting Rape

The News-Gazette had a very sick and disturbing article on how Channing J. Butler, an employee of Bickford Senior Living facility Bickford Cottage, was caught and arrested for soliciting others to have sex with female residents so that he could videotape them. Butler allegedly wanted the men to perform both oral and vaginal sex on

“Beyond Reprehensible”

The Lowell Sun reported the arrest and prosecution of two nurses aides accused of posting humiliating videos on social media of vulnerable clients at the Wingate at Belvidere nursing home. Sabrina Costa and Kala Shaniece Lopez were arrested after the videos surfaced on Snapchat.  Videos show Wingate patients, ages 75 to 99, being disrespected and

Corporate Accountability

The Boston Globe reported the pattern of problems with the care provided by Synergy Health Centers.  State inspection reports of Synergy’s nursing homes routinely show striking increases in problems since the company arrived in Massachusetts.  Synergy’s expansion in Massachusetts has been rapid — the chain has purchased 10 nursing homes since December 2012 — and with the

$15 Million Awarded in Highway Collision

$42 Million Given Back for over 8,000 Investors

$1.05 Million Largest Nursing Home Jury Award in Spartanburg History

$2.32 Million in “Unprecedented” Jury Award Against Nuisance Landfill

$2.32 Million in “Unprecedented” Jury Award Against Nuisance Landfill

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