Category: Staffing

Connecticut Mandate

Connecticut is the latest state to mandate vaccines for nursing home caregivers. This will protect residents and increase herd immunity to stop the mutations. Many nursing homes are embracing the new, mandatory COVID-19 vaccine policy. Staff has until September 7 to get at least one dose of a vaccine. Civil penalties can be $20,000 per

Universal Vaccine Policy

Mandate Safety Genesis HealthCare is the nation’s largest nursing home chain with 357 facilities and nearly 42,000 skilled nursing beds. They recently issued a “universal” COVID-19 vaccine policy for all employees, care partners and onsite vendors. Universal COVID-19 vaccination provides the safest and most effective course of action to ensure the health and welfare of

Caregiver Support

Infrastructure Federal lawmakers negotiating a massive infrastructure deal should allocate funds for improvements in nursing homes. The industry is now looking for more money. Investments in technology, indoor air quality and energy backups will increase quality of care and future infection prevention and control. Nursing homes and other group settings were considered especially vulnerable to

Sexual Assault Indictment

A Sumter County Grand Jury indicted Towodi Shequoyah of exposing himself and attempting to sexually assault a resident at the nursing home. He was a caregiver at the facility. Shequoyah allegedly committed these sick acts in February 2021 while working in a Sumter nursing home. Officials said another employee saw Shequoyah in a 73-year-old woman’s

Support the Staff

Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society announced a vaccination mandate for all employees.  Good Samaritan is the largest non-profit multi-site senior care organization based on nursing care in the 2020. Randy Bury, president and CEO of Good Samaritan discussed the decision with McKnight’s Long-Term Care News. He insists the policy will help the chain attract and

Death and Staffing

Excess Deaths DHHS reported a 32 percent increase in deaths among Medicare patients in U.S. nursing homes last year. There were 169,291 more deaths among Medicare patients in nursing homes in 2020 than in 2019. About 40% had COVID-19. Compared with 2019, death rates were higher every month last year, with two spikes, in April

$15 Million Awarded in Highway Collision

$42 Million Given Back for over 8,000 Investors

$1.05 Million Largest Nursing Home Jury Award in Spartanburg History

$2.32 Million in “Unprecedented” Jury Award Against Nuisance Landfill

$42 Million Given Back for over 8,000 Investors

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