Category: Staffing

Will CMS Protect Vulnerable Adults?

Revenue and Spending There has been a lot of noise, confusion, and disinformation from the industry about revenue and Medicare “cuts”. Skilled nursing experienced an increase in Medicare spending while spending overall for 32 million Medicare beneficiaries declined in 2020. Skilled nursing facilities manipulate and exploit PDPM reimbursement to maximize profits. Kaiser Family Foundation confirmed

Medication Theft

Another nursing home employee was caught stealing medications from residents. This happens way too often. As a nursing home attorney, we often see the diversion of resident medications for personal use or profit. It is sickening. WREG reported that Memphis Police arrested registered nurse Anthony Littlejohn for stealing pills from the nursing home. The Ave

Report from The National Academies

The National Academies is a private, nonprofit organization. Researchers examined the nursing home industry to recommend changes to improve the quality of care.  The new 605-page report says the nursing home industry must take necessary changes to improve the quality of care. The nursing home industry provides ineffective care at higher costs with unsafe staffing

Medications Stolen

KCENtv reported on one of the long-standing issues in the nursing home industry, the theft of drugs. As a nursing home attorney, I see the diversion of narcotics and other medications in many of our cases. The report states police arrested Ashley Kay Bidwell after overdosing on morphine and admitting to stealing it from her

Great News

Occupancy McKnight’s reported on occupancy and census in the nursing home industry. Demand is back to normal for skilled nursing. The National Investment Center for Seniors Housing & Care reports occupancy continues to recover from pandemic lows. Census is now at pre-COVID levels. Expanded Access U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra announced South Carolina

Caregiver arrested

The Miami Herald reported on the sad and tragic case of abuse and neglect suffered by residents at Hazelwood Residential Facility in Kentucky. Police arrested a caregiver at an assisted living facility for repeated abuse. Video shows suspect Darian Rice abusing vulnerable adults under his care. A male resident at the facility was allegedly the

$15 Million Awarded in Highway Collision

$42 Million Given Back for over 8,000 Investors

$1.05 Million Largest Nursing Home Jury Award in Spartanburg History

$2.32 Million in “Unprecedented” Jury Award Against Nuisance Landfill

$2.32 Million in “Unprecedented” Jury Award Against Nuisance Landfill

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