Category: Regulatory Oversight

Safe Staffing and Private Equity

The White House plans to boost nursing home staffing and oversight is great news for those of us who represents the victims of abuse and neglect in the nursing home industry. The plan will confirm a minimum staffing level–hopefully consistent with studies that show a need of 4.1. hours per patient day. Safe staffing improves

White House Job Plan

Creating Pathways to Good-paying Jobs with the Free and Fair Choice to Join a Union Ensure Nurse Aide Training is Affordable. Lowering financial barriers to nurse aide training and certification will strengthen and diversify the nursing home workforce. CMSwill establish new requirements to ensure nurse aide trainees are notified about their potential entitlement to training reimbursement

Plan for Transparency

Enhancing Accountability and Oversight Holding nursing homes accountable for their performance requires a robust compliance program—a program that has adequate funding to perform inspections and that imposes meaningful penalties when deficiencies are found. Federal taxpayer dollars should not flow to nursing homes that are unsafe. Adequately Fund Inspection Activities. For over seven years, funding to

White House Plans

White House Fact Sheet: All people deserve to be treated with dignity and respect and to have access to quality medical care. And in no case should a health care facility be causing a patient harm. The President believes we must improve the quality of our nursing homes so that seniors, people with disabilities, and

South Carolina DHEC Data

South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control publishes data, guidelines, and safety standards. UPDATED – Long-Term Care Facilities Visitation Guidelines – (PDF) Get the most current Recent Disease Activity by County report, which is updated on Thursdays. Reporting Requirements for COVID-19 Vaccine Providers Entry of Healthcare Workers and Other Providers of Services at Long-Term Care Facilities Memo – (PDF) Long-Term

Oversight and Compliance

Oversight is finally back for nursing home operators. CMS’s new memo directs investigators to review nurse competency, staffing, and residents’ quality of care. Investigators need to address unplanned weight loss, traumatic falls, injuries of unknown origin, abuse/neglect or pressure injuries. CMS warns that States must adhere to the new survey guidelines or risk losing 5% of

$15 Million Awarded in Highway Collision

$42 Million Given Back for over 8,000 Investors

$1.05 Million Largest Nursing Home Jury Award in Spartanburg History

$2.32 Million in “Unprecedented” Jury Award Against Nuisance Landfill

$15 Million Awarded in Highway Collision

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