Category: Medicare

Medicare Fraud

Michael Lonski is a licensed psychologist. Lonski submitted charges for residents of skilled nursing facilities. He was previously excluded from the Medicare program over fraud allegations. In 2002, Lonski settled a federal lawsuit in New York alleging healthcare fraud offenses. Now, he has again pleaded guilty to new charges that he bilked the government out

Medicare Fraud Settlement

“Focusing on profits over the needs of individual patients violates the public trust and creates a potential for harm of some of the most vulnerable among us.” –U.S. Attorney Jacqueline C. Romero said. The Philadelphia Inquirer reported the Medicare fraud case settled in Pennsylvania. Saunders House nursing home agreed to pay $819,000 to settle allegations

Biden in SC

President Joe Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law. The cost of drugs will be capped at $2,000 per year for people on Medicare; and health care premiums will fall for many Americans. And it reduces the deficit! Biden passed the American Rescue Plan, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the CHIPS and Science Act, and

Health Care Fraud

“Health care fraud is not a victimless crime, because fraudulent billing ultimately affects consumers who must pay the cost of higher insurance premiums.” -United States Attorney Peace. The Department of Justice’s press release discussed a federal jury on Long Island returned a guilty verdict on eight counts of charges against Mathew James. He perpetrated a

Fraud and Restitution

“Grossly and materially substandard” The Port City Daily reported another settlement involving SavaSeniorCare. The allegations include that Sava billed Medicaid for medically unnecessary services. Sava also failed to meet standards for nursing and custodial services. For years, Sava allegedly schemed to maximize billing and caused therapist to provide “unreasonable and unnecessary” rehabilitation services. The Georgia-based

Admission Discrimination

Payor Source McKnight’s had an article showing discrimination in the nursing home industry. The industry uses discriminatory tactics to reject less profitable residents. Ashvin Gandhi is an industry expert. Gandhi is a health economist and assistant professor at UCLA. Gandhi explained that existing law shows that disability discrimination is “clearly illegal” through the Rehabilitation Act,


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