Category: Discovery issues

Patient Safety Act and Dual Purpose

CareOne, a national for-profit company that operates nursing homes and assisted living facilities, is involved in multiple lawsuits alleging patients were abused and neglected at their facilities. During the lawsuits, victims sought access to CareOne’s incident reports arguing that these documents could provide evidence of notice of systemic problems with training, staffing, and care services.

Felony Documentation

The falsification of documentation in nursing homes is prevalent. The chart is under the control and sole possession of the nursing home. They can add, delete, modify, insert, or print whatever information they want to create a false narrative. We see it happen all the time. Well, the police finally arrested someone. Law enforcement charged

VA Nursing Homes Fail

It is a travesty how we treat our elderly veterans. Fox News reported on poorly operated nursing homes by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).  Short-staffing, inadequate supplies, and burnt-out caregivers lead to the neglect of those who protected and defended this great country. These facilities care for the most vulnerable vets in need

“A Surgeon’s Belated Confession”

NPR and Propublica both had articles about Dr. Lars Aanning who has admitted to lying underoath for a colleague.  This happens all the time.  Doctors don’t squeal on doctors.  It is similar to the thin blue line for police officers.  Should Dr. Aanning be commended for telling the truth now? The South Dakota surgeon had been

Getting Medical Records

I read an interesting article about getting medical records earlier this week.  The article raised several important points:  1) Its hard to get your own records, but its much harder to get someone else’s; 2) Its hard to get ALL records; 3) Its hard to be sure that the records are accurate. USA Today specifically points

Nursing home executives indicted for tax evasion

The indictment alleges that the men ran about 70 nursing homes in Texas and other states and were responsible for a $200 million operation but hid their control of the facilities. Payroll companies: More than 150 sham payroll companies were created to avoid paying taxes, according to the indictment. A former Hurst nursing home executive

$15 Million Awarded in Highway Collision

$42 Million Given Back for over 8,000 Investors

$1.05 Million Largest Nursing Home Jury Award in Spartanburg History

$2.32 Million in “Unprecedented” Jury Award Against Nuisance Landfill

$1.05 Million Largest Nursing Home Jury Award in Spartanburg History

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