Category: Advocacy

Social Security 2100: A Sacred Trust

Social Security is the No. 1 anti-poverty program for children. Social Security is popular for poor and elderly retirees. However, it also provides support to children with a parent who has died or become disabled. Over 15 million beneficiaries are disabled or survivors of dead workers. The programs needs to expand for the 21st Century.

File a Complaint with DHEC

SCDHEC allows you to file Health Facility and CNA Abuse Complaints online. Health Facility Complaints To file a complaint against a health facility or service regulated by DHEC, submit the Health Facility Complaint Form. If you are unable to submit your health facility complaint online,  you can call our office at (803) 545-4370 or 1-800-922-6735 and indicate you wish to

Jobs Report

The U.S. added 431,000 new jobs last month. Incredible growth. Biden has the economy growing well. More than 90 percent of the 22 million jobs lost at the peak of the pandemic’s impact on the economy in the spring of 2020 — a far swifter rebound than forecasters initially expected.

Resident Rights

Michigan recently disclosed this video on Resident Rights. Residents living in nursing homes have numerous rights. Nursing homes are governed by both state rules and federal regulations. These rules and regulations are there to protect residents from abuse, neglect, and exploitation, as well as help improve the quality of life for each person living in

Immunity for Abuse and Neglect

Failure to Protect WRAL reported that in September of 2020, a facility failed to protect a resident from a violent beating. Spring Arbor of Wilmington knew Garland Garrett’s roommate had a history of violent outbursts at the home. They did nothing to protect the vulnerable adult. The facility failed to supervise his roommate who beat

Take a Joke

Chris Rock is a professional. Below is from 1996 Oscars where he made fun of Jada….without getting assaulted. I knew when people could take a joke. Shame on you Will Smith.

$15 Million Awarded in Highway Collision

$42 Million Given Back for over 8,000 Investors

$1.05 Million Largest Nursing Home Jury Award in Spartanburg History

$2.32 Million in “Unprecedented” Jury Award Against Nuisance Landfill

$1.05 Million Largest Nursing Home Jury Award in Spartanburg History

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