
SC Ranks Last

This story first appeared in the SC Daily Gazette. A mew report published by the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging shows a lack of investigation and enforcement by regulatory agencies over the long-term care industry. Vulnerable adults are being abused and neglected and the government does nothing to deter the conduct. The report mentions South Carolina as one

Alzheimer’s Regional Prevalence

CNN had an interesting article about the regional differences in the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. The report offers the first estimates of Alzheimer’s disease prevalence in the US at the county level. Seniors living in the East and Southeast regions of the United States are most likely to have Alzheimer’s disease, according to data published by the

Unsafe for Staff and Residents reported on Terence Cardinal Cooke Health Care Center. It is an incredible story of mismanagement and unsafe staffing leading to abuse, neglect, and wrongful deaths. Sad and tragic American story. There has been over a thousand phone calls to police since 2018. “It’s like the streets up in there.” Former patients, employees, and advocates

Arbitration v. Transparency

The American Conservative’s argument against forced arbitration in consumer contracts is a good read. Millions of consumers are signing away their right to sue in a court of law without ever having read the forced arbitration provision or even realizing that they are agreeing to a legally binding contract at all. The forced arbitration issue has


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