
Living Wages Increases Safety

Living Wages Increases Safety If we paid nursing home caregivers a living wage would that increase safety? “As a country, we need to pay for what we value,” consultant Ellen Bartoldus told SNN. “We say we value elders, we say we value value good staff but we’re defining this good staff as unskilled labor. It’s

Reliable or Quick Tests

Reliable or Quick Tests? Trump is now pushing nursing homes to test all residents and staff. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services announced new federal regulations. These regulations require testing of staff for COVID-19. The changes are to identify asymptomatic people. These caregivers often spread the virus throughout buildings. However, many of the rapid

Waste, Abuse, and Fraud

Seema Verma is the head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. A Congressional investigation discovered that she “abused the federal contracting process” and “wasted millions of taxpayer dollars.”  She spent millions on consultants and other services to boost her own profile and popularity. Congress reviewed thousands of pages of documents. Consultants’ invoices and

Voter Fraud

Trump Commits Voter Fraud Meanwhile, Trump is encouraging his supporters to vote illegally. Speaking to reporters at the White House, Trump asked supporters to commit a felony: He said they should try to vote twice. He told them to vote once by mail, then again in person to test the state’s voting system. North Carolina’s

CDC Strike Team

WBTV gave an update on the outbreak at the White Oak Manor facility in Kings Mountain. CDC sent a Strike Team to investigate and assist. White Oak Manor Kings Mountain has 171 cases among residents and staff to date. The outbreak arose within the last six weeks. More than 70 percent of residents are infected.

White Oak Manor

White Oak Manor, Inc is a South Carolina nursing home chain with a dozen or so facilities in the Carolina.  White Oak is headquartered in my hometown of Spartanburg. This for-profit chain is having major problems with preventing and managing coronavirus cases in their facilities. For example, White Oak Manor-Kings Mountain currently has a major


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