
Video Shows Abuse

WYFF reported another South Carolina health care provider caught physically abusing a vulnerable adult. The licensed practical nurse works at the Pee Dee Regional Center. Arrest warrants claim Jo Ann Graves hit a resident several times in the face. State authorities arrested her for alleged abuse of a vulnerable adult. Video surveillance corroborated the violent

Unsafe Staffing

KXAN’s Avery Travis takes a look at the shortage of workers at nursing homes and assisted living facilities around Texas.

Nursing Strikes

Nurses will strike because low pay is creating a staffing shortage crisis. They tell us their employers aren’t offering enough, which keeps new people from coming on board. 

Republican Politician in Hot Water

Republican Congressman William Timmons is a pro-Trump conspiracy QAnon nut. He recently admitted to adultery as he runs for re-election on traditional Christian values. The hypocrisy is incredible. Credit to FITSNews for reporting on the Timmons Affairs. There were also scandals long before the alleged affair … and whispers of his purported proximity to other scandals.

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