High Staff Turnover Linked to Decreased Quality of Care

Skilled Nursing News reported a recent study on high turnover affects the quality of care in nursing homes. Studies have been conducted to research the high staff turnover rates in skilled nursing facilities. High staff turnover rates lead to a decline of the patients care as well as the patient staff relationships. They also hinder the knowledge and experience inside the workplace.

JAMA research finds that high staff turnover rates directly correlate to the decline of patient care, patient-staff relationships, and the decrease of knowledge and experience inside the workplace.

Main Takeaways:
● Quality of care is linked to staff retention not recruitment;
● 128% annual turnover rate in nursing homes creating a revolving door affect according to JAMA study;
● JAMA researchers find that high staff turnover rates obstruct the staff patients relationship, the longevity of care, and affects the experienced workforce;
● In 2022 CMS started to measure turnover rates as part of the Nursing Home Compare tool; and
● High turnover rates decrease the quality of care for residents and affect the patient functionality.

Nurse aide turnover may be mitigated with scheduling tweaks.

Main Takeaways:
● To reduce staff turnover skilled nursing facilities should look at the scheduling;
● Scheduling CNAs with the same group of members reduced turnover by 25% according to a new study on a part time CNA;

● Giving CNA an additional 1 hour of work can reduce turnover by 2% because turnover increase is a result of too much or too little of work hours
● The study suggest that the benefits are at a great deal with a low cost

In 2022 CMS began to measure these turnover rates as part of the Nursing Home Compare tool. Along with research from CMS, a recent study with a CNA provides insight on how to combat these high rates. Retaining staff rather than the recruitment of staff members will allow for a stable staff turnover rate.

Scheduling is the main factor that will decrease the staff turnover rates. Scheduling CNA’s with the same teammates will reduce turnover by 25%. In addition, providing CNA’s with an extra hour of work will reduce the turnover rate by 2%. Through research from CMS and the study with CNA’s, scheduling within the institutions is one way to reduce high staff turnover rates. Some states have now implemented high reimbursing the facilities that retain staff.