Good Management

The Future of Corporate Oversight?

The RAND Corporation published a new study regarding the management and operation of facilities. As we all know, the current model requires caregivers to work tirelessly without input or complaint. Families are treated as an annoyance.

The key takeaway: Administrators and operators of nursing homes must allow residents, their families, and front-line staff partners make choices that affect residents’ quality of life. This includes an increase to safe staffing levels. This requires a fundamental change in management culture and communication.

“We talk now about buildings first, the building needs to run the care. They need to be supported by a national structure or market structure. We kind of took down those barriers of almost like how do we support the building, not do it for the building … and that’s the perfect mix.”

–Genesis COO Powell told Skilled Nursing News.


Individualized resident care and freedom must co-exist with the health and safety of other residents and staff. Safe and adequate staff is necessary. Departments such as Social Services, Activities, and Dietary must coordinate care as well.

Among them, good management includes the following:

Be proactive with residents and families and include daily resident councils instead of weekly or monthly. Improve communication with residents and families, especially in times of crisis.

Plan ways to balance safety and quality of life.

Allow discussion between management and caregivers without repercussions.

Increase financial transparency of facilities, including information about ownership, management fees, real estate costs, and staffing.

Follow the money and see if it is going to the caregivers and not the real estate company.