Turnover Data
Staffing at nursing homes are unsafe. Turnover and retention are major problems for quality of care. Facilities do not provide enough staff to meet the needs of the residents. Researchers have known for decades that these factors are critical for quality of care in facilities.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services confirmed the causal links between staff turnover and quality of care. As staff turnover decreases, overall quality rating for a facility increases. A facility with a revolving door of inexperienced staff delivers poorer care than one with staffers with training and experience.
In 2017-2018, annual staff turnover at nursing homes averaged a staggering 120 percent, according to a 2021 study.
Now, Medicare is now posting those details on its website. CMS will use the information on staff turnover to calculate its quality rates for facilities.
You can find out what staff-turnover is like at nursing homes in your area. You can select a particular nursing home, then click “view staffing information.”
The data is regularly reported to the government. It is now accessible to the general public. Many experts contend more staffing information is necessary.