Passive Neglect
Passive Neglect
Passive neglect puts care recipients at risk of serious injuries or death. The Patch reported a male patient, John Eschenbach, went missing from CareOne at Parsippany nursing home. The facility allowed him to leave the facility unsupervised. The staff failed to provide the necessary supervision to maintain his health, safety, and well-being.
The facility let Eschenbach walk out of the facility into the freezing night. Unfortunately, the vulnerable adult froze to death. He was found in the woods nearby. His widow is now suing the assisted living facility.
The facility knew Eschenbach had a “propensity to wander” and equipped him with an ankle monitor bracelet. Neglect is a form of elder abuse that may not always seem obvious to the casual observer. Many times, it’s the result of passive neglect—caregivers not understanding how to take care of the older adults.