South Carolina’s Compassionate Care Act

Republicans in the South Carolina House refuse to allow debate over passing a bill called the Compassionate Care Act. The law will allow medical marijuana in South Carolina. The South Carolina bill is the “most conservative” medical cannabis legislation in the United States. The measure allows only people suffering from debilitating or terminal conditions such as cancer, colitis, sickle cell anemia or severe neurological disease to use the medication.

Also, the drug can only be consumed via an unflavored edible, tincture or vaporizer. It would still be a felony for anyone without a prescription to consume it. The product must be provided in a licensed facility by a licensed pharmacist. Anyone responsible for the care of a medical cannabis patient would have to be fingerprinted and undergo a criminal background check by the State Law Enforcement Division as a condition of them receiving a medical marijuana card, which is valid for only one year.

The federal Drug Enforcement Administration will reschedule marijuana from a dangerous, Schedule I narcotic to the less severe Schedule III, a classification often reserved for prescription narcotics with low potential for addiction. However, religious organizations clash with medical cannabis advocates despite overwhelming scientific evidence that marijuana has medicinal uses and is a much safer alternative to opioids. Opponents are not being honest. Advocates want patients to have the freedom to decide medical treatment themselves.

One hearing witness described complications she’d experienced during her bout with multiple sclerosis that included seizures, muscle spasms and even temporary blindness. She’d taken numerous medications to treat the disease, including opioids, but did not have success until she was prescribed medical cannabis.

83 percent of South Carolinians believe doctors ought to be the ones that decide, doctors should be empowered, and that if a doctor thinks it’s in the patient’s best interest then they should be able to prescribe. Doctors and researchers contended that marijuana is a safe and effective treatment for certain disorders, such as the ones listed in the bill.

By the time the General Assembly will adjourn this year, 14 states will have legalized medical marijuana, while an additional 24 states will have legalized marijuana for both recreational and medicinal use. South Carolina is losing out on a budding business and increased tax revenue.

Biden has sought to make good on that promise, pardoning thousands of people convicted of marijuana possession under federal law because more than two-thirds of Americans support legalization of the drug.