Malnutrition Lawyer Greenville, SC

Malnutrition Lawyer Greenville, SC

The process of choosing a reputable and trusted nursing home for your elderly loved one’s care isn’t always simple, as a malnutrition lawyer in Greenville, SC knows. Families want the best care and environment for their loved one. Unfortunately, incidents of neglect and negligence can occur in nursing homes. Elder abuse can result in severe injuries or a decline in health over time. Our team specializes in cases that involve abuse in nursing homes and will take aggressive action to obtain compensation. If you or a loved one has been a victim of elder abuse, consider reaching out to a lawyer so they can assist you with filing a claim and seek compensation for damages and injuries sustained. 

Malnutrition Lawyer in Greenville, SC

Malnutrition occurs when a person does not get enough nutrients due to an insufficient diet or if their body is unable to properly process and absorb nutrients. A nursing home resident can suffer from malnutrition if a nursing home employee is not feeding them enough or is feeding them a poor diet that lacks the right nutrients. If a resident is not absorbing nutrients, it is the employee’s responsibility to ensure they receive a proper diet to prevent malnutrition. 

Malnutrition can result in limited mobility, long-term or permanent health conditions if not immediately treated. It can cause elderly individuals to become prone to other health issues such as infection, decreased bone density, and excessive weight loss. The risk of experiencing a fracture or broken bone increases if they fall. 

Signs of Elder Abuse

Elder abuse can come in many forms, as a nursing home lawyer known in the Greenville, SC community can explain. Signs of abuse are not always obvious and can be difficult for even family members to catch. Here are significant elder abuse signs to watch out for: 

Tips for Evaluating Nursing Homes

Before putting a family member or loved one in a nursing home, make sure you do the proper research to check that a nursing home is highly rated and has a consistent record of providing excellent care for its residents. For information about each nursing home’s recent performance, look up their detailed summaries on the Medicare and Medicaid websites.

Legal Assistance Is Available 

It can be shocking to learn that a nursing home has failed to provide its residents with an acceptable standard of care. However, by having a confidential discussion with a lawyer, you can explain your situation and learn about ways you can take legal action. If you or a loved one has suffered malnutrition due to negligence, contact a Greenville, South Carolina malnutrition lawyer such as one from Poliakoff & Associates, P.A. to discuss your situation. 

Contact us for a free legal consultation!