Lack of Leadership

Governor Desantis has had a hands off approach to managing the COVID pandemic in Florida. This lack of leadership has caused numerous problems. Despite federal offers to vaccinate all nursing homes and assisted-living centers in the state, 62% of staff members refuse the vaccine. Now, more workers are infected with COVID-19 in Florida’s long-term care facilities than elderly residents. A bizarre and dangerous shift posing a threat to 25,000 vulnerable people in those facilities.

The low vaccination rate will increase deaths especially those most vulnerable to COVID-19. The Agency for Health Care Administration reports that 85% of residents are finally vaccinated. Mary Daniel is a caregiver and advocate for families of residents. She said:

“These are the folks from the beginning that were bringing it in. It’s frustrating. Staff members are choosing not to get the vaccine and it’s the residents who are getting punished because their families are getting locked out again.”