Cameras Needed in SC

Count On 2 reported on the need for cameras after repeated complaints at South Carolina nursing homes. Cameras are often used in nursing homes to deter abuse and neglect, prevent unsafe wandering and elopement, and expose waste, fraud, and theft. DHEC reported a 47 percent increase in complaints against nursing homes between May 2020 and April 2021.

Shera Hudson contacted the Count on 2 Investigators regarding Shem Creek Health Center neglect of her mother. Her mother, Maxine Hudson, lived alone with relatively little assistance until moving into the facility in December of 2020. However, Maxine suffered from multiple preventable falls and urinary tract infections from poor custodial care. Her health declined rapidly.

“She has always been a very outgoing and vivacious person. She enjoys reading watching the news, and writing,” Shera added.

The Facility ignored the family’s pleas for help and assistance. Hudson is now asking politicians to allow cameras or ‘granny cams’ in residents’ rooms. These cameras will allow family members keep an eye on their loved ones. A ‘granny cam’ would give families the ability to consistently check and monitor their loved ones. This will help nursing homes with another set of eyes on the resident.

“Our seniors deserve better and our legislators can do this,” she said. “In the other few states that did it their legislators did it. Our legislators should care enough to do it and I hope your viewers will care enough about senior citizens to urge their elected leaders to act,” she closed.